Be like water around rocks

When faced with a stressful event in your life, how do you tend to approach it?

Do you deal with stress by using negative coping strategies like drinking, smoking, taking drugs, gambling, shopping or mindlessly scrolling through your FB feed/TV guide?

Do you tackle problems head on, knowing that they’re really just challenges to be overcome and that with each challenge comes a gift of learning?

Do you prefer to be like water around rocks?

By that I mean, can you accept the situation for what it is, and go with the flow?

When we face stress in our lives we often find ourselves gritting our teeth, getting more stressed out, sleeping less, eating crap food and lashing out at those around us.

How often do we tear our hair out over stuff that we just can’t do anything about?

If you can’t do anything about the issue, then you still CAN take action – by allowing yourself to ease into it and do what you need to do to accept the way things are and not let it stress you out.

What happens when the water in a stream hits a rock? It doesn’t come to a standstill and get stressed about it – it flows right past and finds another way.

Be like water around rocks.

If you find yourself getting stressed out and reaching for negative behaviours to feel better, then stop for a minute and be mindful about what you’re doing.

Ask yourself in that moment: what’s one thing, no matter how small, that I can do for myself to feel better right now?

Then go and do that thing.

I have a free download for you called 18 ways to feel better NOW, that I created exactly for times like these.

Grab it now for free at my website www.coachcarly.com (a pop up box will appear, just punch in your email and you’ll get the download).

If you want to take it even further I also created a 7 day challenge focused on releasing the resistance, so you can focus on going with the flow.

You can access that here:

7 Day Releasing The Resistance (Go With The Flow) Challenge

I’d love to hear your favourite ways to deal with the stress in your life – are you like water around rocks?

Catcha on the flip side,

Coach Carly xx

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