After 12 years it’s time to change direction

We all get to a stage in our lives, often several stages over the course of our lives, where we need a change of direction.

After teaching Reiki since 2006, I’ve decided I need to change the way I do things. I’ve been running one to two group Reiki workshops for the last few years and I’ve loved every minute of it, and still do. But after this year of group workshop dates wrap up, I’ll no longer be setting any future dates.

I’ll still be offering energy treatments and 1:1 teaching and am happy to set up groups when there is a need, but for now I’ll be focusing more of my time on the coaching side of my business as it has really expanded in the last year.

I’m really loving working with my 1:1 coaching clients at the moment, dealing with some really heavy topics such as marriage break ups, suicide prevention, releasing limiting beliefs and forgiveness work. I’m also loving the results my clients have been getting while going through my online coaching program, From Surviving To Thriving.

So for those of you who have been thinking about learning Reiki and might be keen to join a group before the year is out, check out my upcoming dates here (I have two Reiki workshops coming up in July – 1 July in Kallaroo and 22 July in Fremantle). If you aren’t quite ready this year then get in touch when you’re ready and we can book in a 1:1 or organise a private group for you at your home.

If you’d like to chat through any of the above you can email me or PM me on Facebook.

Catcha on the flip side,


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