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Coach Carly

It’s all about the upgrades!

  Recently I signed up for Denise Duffield-Thomas’ Lucky Bitch Bootcamp, and I have to say, I am LOVING it! I’ve always been a fan of Denise’s work and have been wanting to sign up for this for the last year but since I have a habit of signing up for loads of courses I thought I should take a breather for a while! I am a course junkie 🙂 But no regrets here as this bootcamp is a game…

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Why we sabotage ourselves when things are going well

Do you ever feel like you are getting in your own way? Like you’ll be in a good place in your life, reaching for your goals, and then the shit hits the fan? We all do this occasionally, and some do it repeatedly. We sabotage ourselves because our fears get in the way, and we want to rescue ourselves from these fears and negative feelings that come up. We do a number of different sabotaging behaviours, and some will be…

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How forgiveness can propel you towards your dreams

Happy new day peeps! Life has been pretty busy lately and I have LOADS of cool stuff on the go. I’ve been doing some processes that the gorgeous Denise Duffield-Thomas teaches that I downloaded as part of her Mega Money Manifesting bundle. Now, these processes aren’t specific to money, they can be used for any area of your life. The majority of the techniques Denise teaches about are techniques I have been using for a long time. But there is…

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Take charge of yourself and your life

“You make me so angry!” “The whole world is against me” “Can’t you see how much you’ve upset me?” “It’s her fault I’m in this mess!” Too often we blame other people for how we are feeling, instead of taking ownership of our emotions. We point the finger at others, they did this to me, it’s not my fault! What if you knew you were in full control of how you felt at all times? Because, my friend – you totally…

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Do you find yourself in conflict in important relationships?

Do you sometimes feel like you are talking French, while your partner is talking Spanish? Maybe not your partner, but a parent or another person close to you? Do you feel like it doesn’t matter what you say, it’s interpreted in a totally different way? We all have those conversations where we come away thinking WTF, did that just happen? How did a simple conversation spiral so out of control? Why do I feel so bad right now? That totally…

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Feeling the post-Easter bulge?

Chances are, over the Easter long weekend you stuffed yourself silly with chocolate (I know I did, especially when doing the “Easter bunny hiding the chocolate eggs” run) and are now feeling a little over-indulged. As I write this, there are two boxes of left-over Easter eggs on the table in front of me! Gone are the days of feeling guilty for over-indulging. Since starting on my first nutritional cleanse in August last year, I now have the tools I…

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