Yesterday I got the following question posted up on my Coach Carly Facebook page: “how do you help a friend who is in a very controlling emotionally abusive relationship?” As a transformational life coach who also teaches Reiki and so works in the energy realms a lot, there were two branches to my suggestions – the first was how to support the friend, and the second (but more important aspect) was how to look after your own energy. I have…
I was in a workshop the other day where a clinical psychologist was talking about Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and showed this picture of a broken bowl, repaired with gold or silver lacquer, called Kintsukuroi. The idea is the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. I thought this was such a beautiful idea. In the world of personal development there is a constant quest for “fixing” the broken pieces of ourselves in order to move on…
Happy Monday all! Hope all is fine and dandy in your world 🙂 Recently I sent out an “ask me anything” email to my subscribers. One lovely lady asked me if it’s possible to utilise the Law of Attraction to manifest a specific gender for your baby if you’re pregnant. She had been using certain manifesting tools but found other people telling her what she didn’t want to hear, which led to doubts about whether she could manifest her wish.…
Life gets in the way of us achieving our well-intended goals sometimes, doesn’t it. We start out the year thinking I’ll quit smoking this year, I’ll lose that weight I’ve been wanting to lose, I’ll eat better, I’ll stop drinking as much, I’ll take care of myself more and so on and on it goes. Imagine though, that if you changed two or three of your less desirable habits a year. Even if you changed one a year – one…
What do you say when people ask “how you doing?” Do you say “ah, not bad”? Or do you say “fantastic thanks!” How many times a day do you get asked this question? Just a short blog today to get you to consider the words you repeat to yourself often. What we affirm to ourselves all day long can have such a huge impact on our mood. Our brain doesn’t really listen to words like “not” and “no” within affirmations,…
Did you know that 74% of people hate their job? I knew it was a high figure but that’s a depressing number. Are you one of the 74% and do you want to make a change? If so, you’re not alone! I just created a free guided visualisation for you specifically for this reason. But before you listen to that, I want you to get really clear on this: If you don’t want to stay in this job. do you…