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How are you allowing your partner to treat you?

I was chatting to a friend the other day about a guy she’s been seeing for a few months.She was really upset about the way she’s being treated and she’s well aware that she’s allowing it to happen due to her own limiting beliefs and self-worth issues. Not everyone is as aware as my friend about how much she is feeding into the situation.A lot of us in relationships can get stuck into blame and victim mode when things aren’t going well.Why do they…

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We hold the power to change our story

I was listening to a powerful TED Talk today about the power of forgiveness (which, if you’re followed me for a while, you know I like to bang on about this topic, and did a video interview about how forgiveness has transformed my life which you can watch here). WOW.   This is an incredible story about the power of forgiveness.   Warning: this isn’t for the fainthearted but this is Sammy Rangel’s story of being severely abused by his…

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Do you have healthy boundaries? Where are you playing the victim/rescuer in your life?

In an earlier blog, I talked about the psychological model of communication between adults, parents, and children, coined as Transactional Analysis by Eric Berne in the 1950’s. Berne suggested that each of us play “games” which are unconsciously motivated behavioural interactions, driven by our unconscious belief system. These games cause situations, or lead us to perceive a situation, as a familiar negative feeling, which then gives us more ammunition as to why our limiting beliefs about ourselves, the world and…

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