We hold the power to change our story

I was listening to a powerful TED Talk today about the power of forgiveness (which, if you’re followed me for a while, you know I like to bang on about this topic, and did a video interview about how forgiveness has transformed my life which you can watch here).

This is an incredible story about the power of forgiveness.
Warning: this isn’t for the fainthearted but this is Sammy Rangel’s story of being severely abused by his family, how that led him to a life of crime, and how he stepped up and made a powerful decision to not only re-write his story, but ask for forgiveness from everyone he had hurt over his lifetime.

Watch the TED Talk here if you can’t see the video below.

Seriously, out of the many many transformational tools I’ve learned over the years, if I was only allowed to use one for the rest of my life, forgiveness would be it. I have three powerful forgiveness techniques I use myself and with my coaching clients which has had amazing results time and time again.

Watch my interview here where I explain how to do the work.

If you’re not willing to forgive yourself or others, you’re doing yourself a huge injustice. Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die – the only person you’re hurting is yourself.

When you free yourself from these negative emotions, a huge weight of burden lifts off your shoulders and as a result you can start attracting the awesome stuff into your life that you truly deserve.

If you’re stuck with the emotions of resentment, anger, bitterness and hate, try this technique. And if you’re feeling really stuck with it and would like help with moving forward, then get in touch to see if we are a good fit.

I’d love to hear about your experiences of forgiveness and how it’s changed your life.

Catcha on the flip side,


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