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Healing is a journey, not an event

  I’ve been coaching and doing energy work since 2006, and a common question I get is “how often should I have a session/treatment”? Personal development and clearing your emotional baggage is a lifetime of work. 🙌🏻 It’s an ongoing journey, not just a single point in time. Sure, you can feel significantly better after a single session. 💞 But if you’re really committed to becoming the best version of yourself, then commit to regular sessions. I’ve been working on…

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How to heal your triggers

    I recently had an awesome podcast interview with my friend Tracey Cook around triggers.   We discuss;   ❔ what are triggers + where they originate 🌀 a quick + easy way to neutralise your triggers in the moment  🙌🏻 how to do a deeper dive into healing the source of your triggers    I guided Tracey through a trigger she’d experienced that day + did a live demo with her where we explored the emotions + used…

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Don’t take anything personally

    We tend to think the way other people treat us is to do with us personally.   Most of the time, that’s not true. ☺️   Most of the time what people say is actually nothing to do with you.   It’s a projection of their own reality, the way they see life is through their own tinted kinda glasses. 🤓    Glasses framed by their past life experiences, their belief system, their traumas + triggers.    The…

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Stop feeding the monsters in your head – water the seeds instead

  We all have days where the Negative Nancy/Ned in our head spirals out of control. Where lack of sleep, pain or illness, our environment or whatever it might be, gets the better of us. But our mindset is key here to how far we allow ourselves to spiral down the rabbit hole of shitty thoughts. We all have good and bad days – that’s part of life. Have you ever noticed how people who constantly complain have more bad…

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Why is the mind so negative?

  Imagine if you stored every putrid smell you’d ever smelled in a room in your house – what would it smell like?   Would you want to hang out in there?   Would you try and avoid going in there at all costs?   This is a bit like what we do with storing old hurts and traumas in our mind.   Over time, if we actively choose not to heal old wounds, they become infected and stinky.  …

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Cozy up to conflict – heal what’s triggering you

I was listening to Hay House Radio the other day and people were calling in explaining situations that are currently triggering them – by trigger, I mean anything that happens in your life that kicks off a negative emotion within you. One lady was explaining how much her husband’s laziness triggers her. He doesn’t work, and doesn’t want to work either. She resents being the breadwinner while he sits at home watching TV. Often we are triggered by a trait…

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