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Some tools to help you through the stressful times

We are all managing heightened levels of anxiety at the moment with the global coronavirus pandemic. I thought it would be a good time to condense my top tips on reducing stress, anxiety and releasing emotional baggage. Dip into some of these older blogs which are full of tips and strategies to help you get through crazier times.   You’re not a mess – you’re a feeling person in a messy world   Is your mood impacting your immune system?…

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Is your mood impacting your immune system?

The interaction between our mental health and physical health is complex, but there is now more and more research being done into it. Researchers have now found a wealth if evidence to show that when we suppress our emotions, we also suppress our immune system. They’ve also found that positive emotions support the immune system, leading to faster healing time from illness and injury. Research has found that those who’ve lost a spouse can take up to a year to…

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Calm your overthinking brain

Does your overthinking brain do your head in?You might be feeling pretty good, then a thought pops into your head and before you know it you’ve fixated on it so much you feel like shite.This style of thinking tends to get you no closer to a solution to whatever problem you’re focusing on. There’s a point at the start of the thought where you can stop it before it gets into full swing.Imagine parking your car at the top of a…

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Stress + rest = growth

I was listening to a great podcast recently about the growth equation: growth = stress + rest.​Listen hereThe presenter was initially talking about how our muscles grow when put under stress, but the same is also true for pretty much any area of our life. When we face challenges in our life, it puts us under a certain amount of stress.Continued stress without rest leads to injury, burnout and illness. Too much stress can lead to giving up.Not enough stress can lead to boredom, complacency and laziness.But the right…

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Be like water around rocks

When faced with a stressful event in your life, how do you tend to approach it? Do you deal with stress by using negative coping strategies like drinking, smoking, taking drugs, gambling, shopping or mindlessly scrolling through your FB feed/TV guide? Do you tackle problems head on, knowing that they’re really just challenges to be overcome and that with each challenge comes a gift of learning? Do you prefer to be like water around rocks? By that I mean, can…

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12 tips to manage mental overwhelm

“It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential” Bruce Lee. We all have days, weeks, months or even years, where stress gets the better of us and we crack under the pressure. Stress is a part of the modern world and some of us do really well under lots of stress – it forces us out of our comfort zone, leading to growth and change. The biggest trait in those who manage stress well is…

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