Browsing Tag

self worth

What I’m learning from Project Self Love (that will be true for you too)

If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch on YouTube. A couple of weeks ago I shared this vulnerable post on Facebook where I talked about how I have become increasingly aware of this empty feeling inside, and despite 15 years of doing personal development on myself I couldn’t quite figure out where this feeling was coming from. It felt lonely, empty, sad, unhappy, dissatisfied and like there was this longing feeling – a sense of missing…

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Ever feel like you just want to hide away?

Ever feel like you just want to hide away? I felt a bit like that this morning.   **Vulnerable blog alert**   For years now I’ve been so focused and dedicated to achieving some big ass goals in my life. I grew up with the belief (which has limited me a lot in recent years) that you have to work really really really hard. I have a really strong work ethic and was really committed to my career in Corrections…

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