I N T I M A C Y ~ into me, I see ❤️ After what felt like a lifetime of failed relationships, I met my amazing fiancé Cam when I was 38. In our last few years together I’ve realised how much all my relationships have been a reflection of how I feel about myself and what I need to heal. My past relationships were a reflection of; 🥹 how I put others…
Most of us in life experience at least one relationship that becomes toxic for us. I’ve had my share of long term relationships that were abusive and codependent where I ended up as a shell of who I was. 😶🌫️ Leaving is hard because you’ve lost all confidence in who you are as a person. Toxic people show traits of narcissism and borderline personality disorder among other things; they have attachment issues from childhood which…
I often have conversations with people who speak a lot about what they perceive as their anxiety and depression 🥹 What I’ve noticed is that sometimes we pathologise feelings that are a normal response to an abnormal situation. “You are not a mess. You are a feeling person in a messy world.” ~ Glennon Doyle Melton We throw around terms like anxiety and depression very loosely in this modern world, often when it’s not actually…
I spent a good chunk of my life between my mid twenties to my late thirties in unhealthy codependent relationships. A codependent relationship is a love addiction where we seek to prove our worth by helping people with broken wings💔 We’re drawn to addicts and under-functioners who’ll depend on us emotionally, financially or in some other way. We also have a tendency to attract very narcissistic and abusive people who have a lot of shit…
Back in early 2011, I found myself back in depression soon after thinking I’d recovered from it. 2010 was a pretty terrible year for me in many ways. I slipped a disc in my back, was signed off work for 4 months, left a toxic relationship, ended up in depression and ultimately moved to Australia to fulfil a lifelong dream. I think a lot of us who move to another country end up with the blues at some…
I see you. You’re the one that sees the potential in everyone. You’re the one that gives people leeway for how they’re behaving, because you know the shit they went through in the past. You know that people usually only hurt people when they are also hurting deep down. You let them off when they behave badly, because you see the pain in them and know they didn’t really mean it. One day…