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Love yourself so much that when you get treated like sh1t you recognise it

    How would your life be if you truly loved, honoured and respected yourself?   If you honoured your needs each day?   If you lived in integrity with your values in each moment?   I find this is a really useful – and often – confronting question to ask my clients, one they get pretty immediate answers to.   I work with a lot of very natural “helper” types – I’m one of those too.   There can…

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Are you drifting through life?

“Drifting is the decision you’re making when you don’t make a decision about where you’re heading” I heard this statement in a podcast the other day and it really hit as a truth. A lot of people are coasting/drifting through life, day by day feeling like it’s Groundhog Day, without any real sense of purpose or meaning. I especially find this happens in “mid life” where people have what essentially society says should make you happy – a good job,…

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I don’t know who I am anymore: the death of identity

As I approach “mid life,” I notice that more and more people around me are starting to feel like they don’t know who they are anymore.   The age milestone of 40 seems to bring with it a loss of identity for a lot of people.   Relationship breakdowns, divorce, bring with it the loss of identity as a husband, wife, family unit.   We lose grandparents and parents, and get closer to being next in line.   Maybe we suddenly…

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What happens if my partner isn’t on board with my goals?

  It’s normal for us to want those we love the most to be supportive of our goals.   But sometimes, this isn’t our reality.   Recently a member of my online course asked me, “what do I do if my partner isn’t on board with my goals?”   It totally depends on what the context is around this.   We all have our own personal goals, as well as shared goals with our partner and family.   But sometimes…

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If I had listened to me, it wouldn’t have happened

I was listening to a podcast last week and the person being interviewed was sharing their story of overcoming a challenge. She said “if I had listened to me, it wouldn’t have happened.” Which situations can you say that about in your life? Where you ignored your gut feeling and ignored your intuition, only to be kicked in the arse by it later? I know I can reflect on many such times. If I had listened to me, I wouldn’t…

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18 life lessons from a helper (recovering rescuer-enabler) type

After spending most of my life helping others, and often (in the past) to my detriment, I thought I’d share some learnings that I wish someone had shared with me. ❤️‍🩹   PEOPLE CAN CHANGE, BUT WE CAN’T CHANGE THEM   As a helper type it’s so natural to want to dive in and help people we see in need, especially those closest to us. 🥹   We do this because we believe everyone has the capacity to change; over…

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