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Life Coaching

Why we sabotage ourselves when things are going well

Do you ever feel like you are getting in your own way? Like you’ll be in a good place in your life, reaching for your goals, and then the shit hits the fan? We all do this occasionally, and some do it repeatedly. We sabotage ourselves because our fears get in the way, and we want to rescue ourselves from these fears and negative feelings that come up. We do a number of different sabotaging behaviours, and some will be…

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How forgiveness can propel you towards your dreams

Happy new day peeps! Life has been pretty busy lately and I have LOADS of cool stuff on the go. I’ve been doing some processes that the gorgeous Denise Duffield-Thomas teaches that I downloaded as part of her Mega Money Manifesting bundle. Now, these processes aren’t specific to money, they can be used for any area of your life. The majority of the techniques Denise teaches about are techniques I have been using for a long time. But there is…

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Overcoming challenges – when the proverbial hits the fan

As I sit here, I am still recovering from a motorbike accident I had last weekend. I had this accident on the bike in the picture – my brand new Honda CBR250R which I loved. I have been riding motocross bikes for the last couple of years and have had a few lessons on the road. I decided to get my practice up in the dirt to get comfortable on a bike, and recently decided to buy a road bike,…

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Keep calm and have more fun

Recently I have noticed a bit of a trend going on: more and more of the work I am doing with clients seems to be focused not necessarily on goals so much, but on having more FUN, or raising their vibration from low energy feelings (such as guilt, grief, sadness, shame, resentment) to higher energy feelings. (like joy, appreciation, love, happiness, gratitude etc).   This seems to be a dominant theme around at the moment for the people I am coming across…

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27 things you didn’t know about me

I was recently lucky enough to be invited by Sarah Prout to join an awesome bunch of 44 enlightened female entrepreneurs on the exclusive SPROUT Mastermind group. Our first assignment was to show our readers a lil bit more about ourselves so they could get to know us. So here you have it! If you have a totally random get-to-know-me question that you’d like me to answer I’d love you to drop a comment in the box below the blog…

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