I’ve never really believed in the old saying “two halves make a whole”. It never really made sense to me. Don’t two whole people make a better partnership? If you’re half a person then you’re always looking for someone else to meet your needs instead of you being able to fill your cup without external sources. When I was in my 20’s, I remember the feeling of looking at a whole weekend with no plans.…
I love this quote by Ernest Hemingway; “We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.” Reminds me of a blog I wrote on kintsukuroi, a Japanese technique where they take broken items and piece them back together with gold, the idea being that we are more beautiful for having been broken. The most amazing people I’ve ever met are those who truly know what it is to feel broken, and to learn, heal and…
I’ve been listening to a few interviews with Michael Singer recently, author of The Untethered Soul. He wrote this book a long time ago but I only recently came across his work watching an interview he did with Oprah, where she said reading his book was a game changer for her. He gives some great metaphors for how we hold on to emotional pain and attempt to protect ourselves from further pain. If you had a…
I’ve been listening to a bit of Tara Brach lately and she has a great video about how to stop the war against ourselves.She speaks about how when we’re suffering, it’s because we’re holding on too tight and need to let go.If you let go a little you’ll find a little peace.If you let go a lot, you’ll find a lot of peace.If you let go completely, you’ll be able to live your life fully.This could be letting go of…
We all have emotional baggage from our past that holds us back from achieving our goals and being our best self.One of my favourite things to do is to help others uncover what’s holding them back so they can become the best version of themselves.Out of the hundreds of tools I’ve learned along the way, forgiveness work is my number one go-to if I’m stuck.The first forgiveness technique I learned was taught to me by my best friend when I…
If you’re struggling through something difficult, like a sand bog or a marsh, going back takes as much effort as is does to push through to the other side. The painful slog through needs to be gone through to get to the end. What I see in a lot of people going through tough times is that they want to bury their head in the sand and avoid the issue altogether (which never resolves anything), or they avoid their painful…