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Dear me

    I’m sorry for all those times I never let you speak your mind and stand up for yourself. I forgive you, I love you.    🥺   I’m sorry for all those relationships I tried to make work when they didn’t deserve it. I forgive you, I love you.   🥹   I’m sorry for taking years longer to move to Australia because you let yourself be held back by him. I forgive you, I love you.  …

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How lack of self love shows up in your energy field

    I’ve do a lot of energy treatments every week, seeing anywhere between 1-15 people, most of them distant healings, and you know what the common theme is that I find?   A lack of self-love. 💔   When I do a treatment, I check the scores of how each chakra is functioning before I do the treatment so I can give my client an understanding of where they were at before the treatment and how that would have…

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He’s my reflection

    I N T I M A C Y ~ into me, I see ❤️   After what felt like a lifetime of failed relationships, I met my amazing fiancé Cam when I was 38.   In our last few years together I’ve realised how much all my relationships have been a reflection of how I feel about myself and what I need to heal.    My past relationships were a reflection of;   🥹 how I put others…

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Are you having issues with your teenager?

    Recently I’ve been asked by a few mums whether I work with teens.    The answer is yes. ✅    Back in my early 20’s I was a mentor for youth at risk of being expelled from a school in Peckham, a low socioeconomic area in South East London.    Each week I’d turn up for a chat with them and they seemed so relieved to talk to me. 🥹   I wasn’t their parent, teacher or friend. …

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🌟💛Happiness is a fairy cake 💛🌟

    Back when I was around 27 (just yesterday then 😂) I was living in London, in a toxic abusive relationship that was draining me and I was burnt out.   I went for an energy healing and on the way out of the underground, as I was walking up the stairs I saw this shop in front of me selling cupcakes 🧁    This big lemon yellow cupcake was glowing and calling my name, “Carly, buy me, buuuuyyyy…

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From depressed to dream life

    13 years ago I was…    🇬🇧 living in freezing cold London dreaming of living in Australia 🌧️ clinically depressed 🤯 stuck as a carer for an abusive psychotic partner  💰 broke  😩 in despair 😔 couldn’t see a way out at times  🤯 living in survival mode each day  🥺 disconnected from a lot of friends, family and most of all myself   These days I’m…    🇦🇺 living in sunny Australia 😌 mentally healthy 🥰 with…

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