Recently I’ve been doing energy treatments focusing specifically on my clients goal of breaking their daily drinking habit. Note ~ I’m not talking about the level of being an alcoholic. These are clients who buy a 6 pack on the way home after a day of labouring and find it stops them getting anything done after work as they spend their evenings drinking it all watching Netflix 🍻 Or others who always have a bottle…
I spent a good chunk of my life between my mid twenties to my late thirties in unhealthy codependent relationships. A codependent relationship is a love addiction where we seek to prove our worth by helping people with broken wings💔 We’re drawn to addicts and under-functioners who’ll depend on us emotionally, financially or in some other way. We also have a tendency to attract very narcissistic and abusive people who have a lot of shit…
1. Avoid blaming someone or something else for your negative feelings. Nothing and nobody has the power to control how you think and feel unless you let it. 2. Don’t blame yourself for not being in control. You’re doing the best you can. 3. Be aware of when you’re playing the victim role. Learn the clues that tell you when you’re not being responsible for what you’re being/doing/having/feeling. 4. Get to know your biggest energy –…
INSTAGRAM 🚘 shiny new cars 🏝️ endless holidays 💰 money living the laptop lifestyle 🤗 no problems REALITY 😴 5am starts ✍🏻 setting goals 🤩 taking action 💯 hard work 💩 constantly working on your own shit 👤 confronting your own shadow Decide what you want. Write that shit down. Make a fucking plan. Take Inspired Action Every Fucking Day A typical day in the life of me is: 😴getting up at 5am 💪🏻getting…
One of my favourite healing techniques I’ve learned in the last year are removing energetic stress webs. Stress webs are the result of overactive communication between the adrenals, hypothalamus and pituitary gland, causing “stress webs” to shoot out from the adrenals and wrapping around various areas of the body, keeping the body locked down in a pattern of stress. One recent example is a client who contacted me saying she wanted to break her habit…
Last week I got a message from one of my Reiki students saying her fam had been given a short time to find a new rental as their landlord is selling up. Panicky vibes for sure, this is a stressful situation to find yourself in. When the shit hits the fan what often happens is we find ourselves in a place of fear, worry, anxiety, overthinking kinda vibes. This narrows our thinking so we aren’t…