When you’re facing negative situations in life, how do you handle it? 🤔 Do you spend your time and energy complaining about the way things are? Do you blame other people? 😤 Do you put it in the basket of “nothing will ever work out for me”? Or do you use it as an indication that you’re not where you want to be, and do something about it? If you’re stuck in negative…
Recently I’ve been doing energy treatments focusing specifically on my clients goal of breaking their daily drinking habit. Note ~ I’m not talking about the level of being an alcoholic. These are clients who buy a 6 pack on the way home after a day of labouring and find it stops them getting anything done after work as they spend their evenings drinking it all watching Netflix 🍻 Or others who always have a bottle…
I see you. You’re the one that sees the potential in everyone. You’re the one that gives people leeway for how they’re behaving, because you know the shit they went through in the past. You know that people usually only hurt people when they are also hurting deep down. You let them off when they behave badly, because you see the pain in them and know they didn’t really mean it. One day…
Personal development is a never ending journey; we’re all a work in progress, but the journey is so worth it. The first step of change is becoming aware of your own bullshit; once you get tired of your own story, that’s when the biggest transformation happens. How do you know you’re living in a bullshit story? You keep playing small in life by not going for what you really what You’re not speaking your truth You’re afraid…
How often do you say or hear the words “you make me feel…” or “they made me do….”? I hear this time and time again. “He made me so angry”! “She pushed me into it”. “He sent me broke”. “It’s her fault I did it”. My response to this is nobody can “make” you feel or do anything; your response and actions are always a choice. ALWAYS. How you speak, act…
What a year 2020 has been. It certainly gave the entire world a shake up. It’s caused many of us to question a lot of things in our lives. Are we in the right job? The right relationship? The right country? Many people have left their careers, whether it was forced or because they didn’t want to delay a career change any further. Many relationships have broken down in the face of lockdown. One thing is certain; it’s been…