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Beware the barrenness of a busy life

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about essentialism and minimalism.   I’ve been reading Essentialism – The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown and I watched Minimalists on Netflix recently.   I’ve always been a fan of decluttering and do this regularly, but I could definitely get better at buying less stuff.   It’s not that I buy that much either, but if I really start living the principles of essentialism and minimalism, I wonder how much…

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Get rid of what makes you unhappy

    I heard a good quote on a podcast I was listening to recently: “Happiness isn’t what you find, it’s what’s left when you get rid of all the things that make you unhappy.” I also love this quote: “Don’t chase the light; the light will drop in automatically when you heal your trauma.” Life is a process of decluttering. Decluttering clothes, limiting beliefs, past baggage, and people who don’t bring joy to your life. But first, life is…

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Self love vs self care

    Back in early 2011, I found myself back in depression soon after thinking I’d recovered from it.   2010 was a pretty terrible year for me in many ways.   I slipped a disc in my back, was signed off work for 4 months, left a toxic relationship, ended up in depression and ultimately moved to Australia to fulfil a lifelong dream.   I think a lot of us who move to another country end up with the blues at some…

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Join me for a 7 day challenge

    We all go through phases where we want to try out a new habit and turn it into part of our daily or weekly routine.   I go through loads of different phases where I try out things I know are good for me, and a lot of these I continue to do on and off but I thought about how much more fun it would be to do it with a group where we can all motivate…

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Let go of people who make you feel like shit

We’ve all got people in our lives who suck the life out of us. Those kind of push/pull relationships where they’ll push you away, call you a crappy friend/partner, act like you don’t even exist or talk smack about you to others.Then they pull you back in with some drama or another, making you feel needed in some way.Exhausting, isn’t it? True energy vampires.Ask yourself what it is you’d need to do to change the situation.Do you need to have better…

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How to deal with the negative, critical life suckers in your life

  Recently I had someone ask me how they could better deal with people in their life who were being negative and critical. Been there, got the t shirt!Negative peeps are like crabs. If you go crab collecting with a bucket at the beach, once it’s full the crab at the top should be able to climb out ~ except it can’t, because all the other f@ckers below it keep dragging it down and ripping its legs off. Don’t let them drag…

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