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18 tips to increase your energy

So many of us feel tired and sluggish a lot of the time, and we get stuck in the trap of reaching for a quick energy fix using caffeine, sugar, carbs or booze – none of which help our energy levels in the long term. One of my friends the other day put a post up on FB asking for advice from friends on how to improve their energy levels so I thought I’d share my top tips on how…

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4 easy things to do when you’re feeling stuck

Are you feeling in resistance mode right now? By that I mean – are you feeling stuck, are you feeling angry or resentful, or any other negative emotions that are keeping you from feeling like you can move forward? I’ve definitely been there on and off for the last few weeks, brought on by dealing with annoying technical issues with my laptop and social media, but needing to get stuff done nonetheless. I was noticing that when I had to…

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What Do You Need To Forgive?

Last week I was chatting with a friend who is on a break from her boyfriend. She was having a hard time dealing with it and was wanting to heal her pain, so I explained a process to her that I’ve found really helpful in the past. It’s called ho’oponopono and it’s a Hawaiian mantra for reparation, healing and forgiveness. The process is really simple ~ you bring to mind a certain situation or memory that you’re holding negative feelings…

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What’s the Law of Attraction really all about? And what’s it got to do with Minions? Keep reading to find out…

The long and short of the Law of Attraction is that what you focus on is what you get. There are several Universal Laws and in fact I have a guided visualisation on the Law of Detachment on my website. Also if you sign up for my newsletter you get a free e book I wrote which describes each of the Universal Laws, and includes affirmations which you can print out that relate to each Law. The Law of Attraction became big…

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