The Importance Of Self Care


Hey everybody, Carly here again, I’ve just gotten back from a gorgeous walk along my local beach, it’s a gorgeous day here a very nice 24 degrees here in Perth, beautiful blue skies not a cloud in the sky it’s absolutely gorgeous.


I was reflecting while I was down there on how important it is for me to do self care, some kind of self care every day. I start my day at 5am most mornings and hit the gym, and today I was lucky enough to get down to the beach which is only five minutes from my house.


When I lived in London my dreams of my dream life here in Australia including going to the beach, or living near the beach. I thought I would go to the beach every day when I lived here. The reality is I just don’t – I can, but I don’t. I get down there maybe a couple of times a week.


But it is a really important form of self care for me whether I’m happy or sad, or really any variation in between. I find it really grounding – salt water is really amazing at transmuting negative energy. But I was just reflecting when I was down there on just how busy things are, for everybody – we live in a really fast paced world where we are switched on 24/7. We don’t allow ourselves as many breaks as we used to.


We are busy and stressed out, and we have a lot of competing demands, so self care is really important, it becomes a really important part of our day in general and we prioritise it probably less when we are stressed out, when really we should prioritise it more.


So I just want to know from you, what kind of things do you do for self care. Some of the things I do are going to the gym , the beach, speak to friends, go fishing and dirtbike riding, play with my dogs and hang out with my family, that kind of stuff, and it should become more of a priority when I’m stressed out.


We do kind of forget to do those things when we’re stressed out and we’re not very focused and present, and in the moment when we are really stressed out with lots of different things going on in our heads. We really should try and emphasise the self care a bit more than we do at those times because it does really help us cope better with what’s going on around us, and helps us respond better to the people that we love as well, you know we’re not so stressed out, we’re not so angry.


So hit the comments box below and let me know what things do you like to do for self care, and what’s one thing you can do today to help yourself feel in a better feeling space, something to nourish your soul, help you feel really good.


Are you ready to stop struggling through life? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my other members who are also on their journey From Surviving To Thriving.

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That’s all from me folks!


Catcha on the flip side,




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