H a n d s h a k e s


First impressions are lasting, aren’t they. 🧐 

My Dad always taught me that when you introduce yourself to someone you should always have a strong handshake. 🤝 

Lots of people have commented on my strong handshake.

Think about those times when you’ve shaken someone’s hand and it’s like shaking a wet bit of lettuce. 🥬 😂

What assumptions do you make about them?

What about a strong handshake, do you notice that person has more confidence? ☺️

People look to you for certainty in yourself and your actions

Your confidence builds their confidence in you. 💚

What does your handshake say about you?

Something to think about.

As always, if you want a guide on your journey, drop me a message + let’s chat about how coaching +/or energy work can help. 

Plus come over + join my free group here.

Catcha on the flip side, where we all shake hands with confidence.

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