Connecting and competing with others for wellbeing


The benefits of exercise for physical and mental wellbeing are well documented.


But the benefits of connecting with others in a training environment for the purpose of competing can be even more meaningful.


Highland Games WA (HGWA) brings together athletes for training and competing at events like the upcoming Swan Valley Highland Games – 21 November 2021. 


I’ve been to a few of their events over the last year or so and something that has really struck me is the athletes’ passion for the sport, the history of the games, the camaraderie at the events as well as the training, and the ability to be part of something like this to promote an overall sense of wellbeing as well as helping members through the tough times in their lives.


The sense of community they have at HGWA brings people together from all walks of life, gives them a sense of connection and support, and helps them to focus on being their best selves.


The games gives members an outlet, something to look forward to, and a platform to achieve.


During the games, they are competing against themselves as well as each other, and yet they each cheer each other on and strive for each other to do better.



During events with a crowd, they are also inspiring others to want to achieve more for themselves, and the athletes are always happy to show the crowd how it’s done and give even little kids a go at lifting heavy things 🙂


Perfection doesn’t mater – progress matters. Whether you think you can do it or not, give it a go.


Come along on Sunday 21 November and check it out for yourself – the event is being held at Elmar’s in the Valley and there will be some amazing events with both men and women competing – caber toss, heavy and light weight for distance, Scottish hammer, stone put (open stone and Braemar), weight for height and sheaf toss.



Elmar’s is an authentic German restaurant and micro glass brewery so there will be a mix of German and Scottish food and drink on the day including their famous steins of beer and pork knuckle (my fave), alongside haggis and square sausage.


There will be bagpipes and fun for the kids like a bouncy castle and face painting, so fun for the whole fam.


Check out the event link and get tickets here.


You can find out more about HGWA at their FB page here.


Or call Cameron Ford on 0433 283 279 to discuss membership, training and upcoming events.


Catcha on the flip side,











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