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Coach Carly

Do you need more work life balance?

  I saw recently there has been a 30% increase in a google search for “how to find work life balance”.   With the last couple of years of the pandemic, a lot more peeps have been working from home.   This really blurs the boundary between work life and home life.   It’s also always been this way for those of us who run businesses, especially those who run a biz on the side of full time work.  …

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Keep your vibe in check to attract what you want in life

    Last week I got a message from one of my Reiki students saying her fam had been given a short time to find a new rental as their landlord is selling up.   Panicky vibes for sure, this is a stressful situation to find yourself in.   When the shit hits the fan what often happens is we find ourselves in a place of fear, worry, anxiety, overthinking kinda vibes.   This narrows our thinking so we aren’t…

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Begin with the end in mind

  Do you have big dreams for your life?   When was the last time you took a moment to think about how you’d like your life to truly look and feel in, say, 5-10 years time?   What does your dream life look like?   Have you broken down that dream life into short term, medium term and long term goals?   So many people are coasting through life with no set direction they’re heading in.   This is…

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The importance of compounding daily habits

  I don’t know about you, but I always have a list of things that in an ideal world, I’d do daily or weekly.   Life gets in the way though, doesn’t it?   Most of us feel like there already aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that we’d like to do.   How are we supposed to add even more stuff into our day?!   Well, think about how much time you spend on your…

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Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice

  Life is full of Negative Nancy’s isn’t it?   Peeps who are always willing to dish out their “expert” opinion on how you should live your life.   Reflect on who you’re surrounded by in life at the moment; are they helping or hindering you?   Do they support you in your goals or do they cock-block you?   Over the years I’ve diligently decluttered the critical shitheads from my life and now I’m in a space where nobody…

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Are you open minded enough to see where you’re still close minded?

    Open minded and close minded peeps can act very differently towards life in ways that can be very restricting for those who are close minded. Open minded peeps don’t get rocked by change, ideas and unfamiliar territories. They’re more likely to do what it takes to achieve their goals, respond well to constructive criticism and question their own beliefs, growing as a result. An open minded person is more focused on listening than speaking, is aware they could…

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