When things aren’t working out the way we want them to, we often find ourselves in a negative headspace about things. When we’re feeling stuck and negative about a challenge we’re going through, it’s really easy for our thinking around it to spiral downhill. We also tend to get really specific about our perceived problems and that can lead to festering thoughts too. For example – if you had to pay the mortgage next week and you knew you didn’t…
Most of us will never be more than average. Most of us will always have that nagging feeling of knowing that we could do better, achieve more, earn more, live with more adventure and be happier than we are right now. But, when you get home from work knackered after a long day, being tired is just another reason not to try. Not to try to achieve your dreams and desires. How often have you closed the door on an…
An old friend once told me that when you’re struggling to know what to do about a situation, the hardest thing to do is usually the right thing. I’ve usually found that’s right for whatever it is I’m going through. It’s harder to have the conversation you need to have than to pretend nothing is wrong and ignore how you feel. It’s harder to have a break up chat with your partner than continue to say nothing even though you’ve…
Recently I was chatting to a coaching client about some of the difficulties she’s facing in her relationship. She mentioned that she and her partner were having to compromise on certain things. compromise ˈkɒmprəmʌɪz/ noun 1. an agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. “Eventually they reached a compromise.” 2. the expedient acceptance of standards that are lower than is desirable. “Sexism should be tackled without compromise” The nature of compromising often leads…
When faced with a stressful event in your life, how do you tend to approach it? Do you deal with stress by using negative coping strategies like drinking, smoking, taking drugs, gambling, shopping or mindlessly scrolling through your FB feed/TV guide? Do you tackle problems head on, knowing that they’re really just challenges to be overcome and that with each challenge comes a gift of learning? Do you prefer to be like water around rocks? By that I mean, can…
At least once a week, somebody says to me “you’re sooooo lucky!” Luck has nothing to do with it. Yesterday I was chatting to a friend about how we have a litter of puppies due this week and she said “you’re soooooo lucky!” Luck has nothing to do with it – it takes a lot of hard work, years worth of research about the breed, plenty of money and trips to the vet to make it happen – and it…