The new year is in full swing and it’s that time of year where most peeps make a bunch of resolutions that they’ll lose motivation for within a month.Does that sound like you?Watch the video on YouTube here.There are a few issues that come up when setting goals. Here are my tips on setting goals that you’ll actually stick to.IS IT ACTUALLY YOUR GOAL?Sometimes we set a goal that we think is ours, but it’s actually more about a need…
The festive season is well and truly in full swing with Christmas parties and messages galore. While most people are wishing others a “merry” or “happy” Christmas, it’s also important to remember those who aren’t feeling so merry or happy. Christmas is a time of year where a lot of people I see in the mental health and justice space are suffering. They’re missing loved ones who’ve passed, they’re missing kids they are unable to see, and some are without…
When I get that job/house/car/partner/money… I’ll be happy. How often do you do this to yourself? The problem with this is that we never arrive there, because the finish line always moves. We also cheat ourselves out of a dopamine hit when we constantly reach for the next goal, instead of celebrating where we’re at. We then find ourselves wanting to achieve less and less, which is why so many people get stuck and stall in life. Try instead living…
I was watching an awesome interview with Ed Mylett, Peak Performance expert this week (check out the video here: called what everyone struggling needs to know. Ed said his favourite quote was by Malcolm X, “that which you do not hate you will eventually tolerate.” This identifies most people’s lives. Average becomes a sort of slow asphyxiation where over time we become stuck in our comfort zone and immune to the person we’re becoming. We minimise where we’re at…
If you’re struggling through something difficult, like a sand bog or a marsh, going back takes as much effort as is does to push through to the other side. The painful slog through needs to be gone through to get to the end. What I see in a lot of people going through tough times is that they want to bury their head in the sand and avoid the issue altogether (which never resolves anything), or they avoid their painful…
I was chatting to a coaching client the other day about the anxiety she faces on an almost daily basis. Check out a video I recorded on YouTube discussing this topic. She noticed that she doesn’t feel anxiety when she’s exercising, at the beach, with friends or doing the things she loves. When we experience anxiety, our energy field literally leaves our physical body. We also do this when we experience depression, fatigue, and other painful emotions, or when we…