All Posts By

Coach Carly

Let go or be dragged

“Hold with an open hand, or face the consequences”   We’ve all been there.   Something in our life isn’t working out the way we thought it would, or wanted it to.   We know that we need to let go, but we cling on for dear life hoping things will get better.   “If I just stay another 6 months in this job that’s killing my soul, maybe I’ll figure out what I want to do with my life.”…

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The trap of “smiling depression”

We often think of depressed people hiding in the dark in their house, looking and feeling lethargic, and isolating themselves from others.   Not everyone shows depression in this way.   Some people will feel the lethargy, sadness, worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness, yet put on a mask where they’re smiling and doing their best to hide how they really feel.   They’re skilled at masking their depression, powering through the day appearing to others as cheery and happy.   This is…

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Is your mood impacting your immune system?

The interaction between our mental health and physical health is complex, but there is now more and more research being done into it. Researchers have now found a wealth if evidence to show that when we suppress our emotions, we also suppress our immune system. They’ve also found that positive emotions support the immune system, leading to faster healing time from illness and injury. Research has found that those who’ve lost a spouse can take up to a year to…

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How to deal with someone who is always playing the victim

I was sat next to an older lady getting her nails done the other day. About 5 minutes after I sat down to get mine done she starts telling me all about her life.An hour later I knew she’d had a heart attack 8 years ago and that’s why she was sweating so much, she has a pacemaker and recently she broke her finger saving a puppy and now can’t feel any pain in that hand – I also knew…

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50 things I would tell my younger self

As we get older, we accumulate more experience, wisdom and lessons (hopefully!).   Each year I reflect in a deeper and deeper way about the roads I’ve travelled along the way, the pain I’ve experienced and how I’ve grown as a result, and I look forward to taking that wisdom forward with me.   I remember being a tortured 15 year old, wondering what the fuck life was all about, seeing all this mundane shit around me and knowing there…

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You must master your environment before you depart it

I was listening to a podcast the other day and the interviewee was talking about the best piece of advice he ever received from a mentor.“You must master your environment before you depart it.”There are times where this isn’t possible or safe to do so – for example, in a situation of domestic violence.But the statement got me thinking about how a lot of us will jump from one similar situation to another, never learning the lessons and so repeating…

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