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Coach Carly

The kindness diaries

  This last week I was unwell with a fluey cold and watched WAY too much Netflix, but was good to get some relaxation time in for my body. One thing I watched was The Kindness Diaries. This is a doco about Leon, a guy who travels from Alaska to Argentina in a very old yellow VW Beetle, solely on the kindness of others. He’s not able to spend or accept any money; instead, he has to ask others for…

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Stop feeding the monsters in your head – water the seeds instead

  We all have days where the Negative Nancy/Ned in our head spirals out of control. Where lack of sleep, pain or illness, our environment or whatever it might be, gets the better of us. But our mindset is key here to how far we allow ourselves to spiral down the rabbit hole of shitty thoughts. We all have good and bad days – that’s part of life. Have you ever noticed how people who constantly complain have more bad…

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Do you need to get to un-know yourself?

  I was listening to a Lewis Howes podcast recently, and the guest being interviewed that his personal development had been more about getting to un-know himself in order to better know himself. That’s so true when you’re focusing on self-growth. It’s about releasing all the stories and limiting beliefs that have held you back and have caused you to do (or not do) things that your best self would do differently. Since getting into personal development when I was…

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Never let the unacceptable become the acceptable

  I saw the above title in a quote this week, and it really triggered a big reflection for me. A reflection on how many times in the past I’ve done exactly that – let the unacceptable become the acceptable. How in the past I’ve allowed myself to be treated with disrespect due to my own shitty boundaries. How I’ve allowed others to emotionally abuse me – some for years. How I gave my energy and power away on the…

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Why is the mind so negative?

  Imagine if you stored every putrid smell you’d ever smelled in a room in your house – what would it smell like?   Would you want to hang out in there?   Would you try and avoid going in there at all costs?   This is a bit like what we do with storing old hurts and traumas in our mind.   Over time, if we actively choose not to heal old wounds, they become infected and stinky.  …

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Leave a trail of light wherever you go

I keep seeing this picture around on social media with the quote “some souls leave behind a trail of light that is never forgotten.”   I’m always saying to my Reiki students that I imagine we all leave a sparkly trail of light energy wherever we go.   How positive (or negative) that energy is, is up to you.   The clearer we can keep our energy, and the higher we keep our vibration, the better – not just for…

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