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Coach Carly

Your brain isn’t designed to make you happy

  I was listening to a Lewis Howes School of Greatness Podcast today which was a mix of a bunch of different people he has interviewed over the years about the habits of successful people.   One snippet was of an interview with Tony Robbins – one of my faves.   Tony said:   “Your brain wasn’t designed to make you happy. Your brain was designed to make you survive.   Happiness is YOUR job, and it’s a decision.”  …

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7 day decluttering challenge ~ starts Monday 27 September (free)

  Whether we realise it or not, the state and cleanliness of the space that we live and work in has a big impact on our overall physical and mental health.   Our physical environment is a reflection of our internal environment, so if your external environment is cluttered then your inner world is cluttered too.   Even if you manage to keep all your clutter in one room or garage, you’re still locking away clutter in your mind.  …

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You get out of life what you put in

  We all know people who have a sense of entitlement, thinking the world owes them something.   Nothing worth having in life comes easily.   There is no magic pill or silver bullet.   It’s true that when you’re in a state of flow, things do seem to come easier; but that’s also about how you’ve been able to generate that flow state, which often means putting some effort into knowing what you want out of life, setting goals…

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Join me for a 7 day challenge

    We all go through phases where we want to try out a new habit and turn it into part of our daily or weekly routine.   I go through loads of different phases where I try out things I know are good for me, and a lot of these I continue to do on and off but I thought about how much more fun it would be to do it with a group where we can all motivate…

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Happy Garbage Eve!

  I was listening to the Happier podcast with Gretchen Rubin yesterday about finding something unconventional to celebrate.   One of her listeners sent in a message saying they grew up with their dad turning bin day, a chore most people find boring and a hassle, into something to celebrate.   Each night before bin day would be called Garbage Eve in their house.   They would wish each other “happy Garbage Eve” and as a result they’d happily take…

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Choose your hard

  I saw a quote image this week that went like this:   Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard.   Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard.   Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard.   Life will never be easy. It will always be HARD. But we can choose our hard wisely.   I posted this and then got a message telling me how terrible the above…

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