Many of us don’t know how to articulate our needs, or even really know what they are. 🧐 A need is different from a want. A want states a desire, whereas a need is usually a statement about nurturing. A want could be – I want a new car. 🚘 A need could be – I need a hug, I need you to listen to me, I need you to understand me, I need some quiet time. 🥹 Pay…
I was listening to a Matthew Hussey podcast this week and he was interviewing an expert on grief and heartbreak. ❤️🩹 This expert was the only grief expert who has also studied buffalo. 🦬 What he noticed was that when a storm is approaching, buffalo will head towards the storm instead of away from it. 🌧️ By doing this, they face the challenge head on and don’t prolong any potential suffering. He likened this to how we…
Are you a “victim,” or are you taking responsibility for your life? 🧐 I’m not talking about those who are or have been a victim of some kind of trauma. ❤️🩹 But there’s a big difference between being a victim and being a survivor and someone who likes the drama of playing the victim. So many of us THINK we’re taking responsibility for our own live’s when we aren’t really. The “victim” mentality is very subtle and it takes…
I was listening to an Ed Mylett podcast this week and he was talking about how at school he was always taught to colour inside the lines. ✍🏻 He said he always had trouble doing that and used it as an analogy for how the greatest people in life are happy to colour outside of the lines. The ones who break the rules without breaking the law or any moral codes. The ones who care more about their own…
If you don’t know who Dr Daniel Amen is, check out his work. He’s a psychiatrist who, when studying, realised his profession is the only profession that deals with the brain that doesn’t even look at the brains of their clients. I’ve been following his stuff for a while now – he does SPECT scans on people’s brains to show why they’re behaving the way they are or why they’re experiencing certain issues. He then works with them in…
First impressions are lasting, aren’t they. 🧐 My Dad always taught me that when you introduce yourself to someone you should always have a strong handshake. 🤝 Lots of people have commented on my strong handshake. Think about those times when you’ve shaken someone’s hand and it’s like shaking a wet bit of lettuce. 🥬 😂 What assumptions do you make about them? What about a strong handshake, do you notice that person has more confidence? ☺️ People look…