Last week I finished up my 5 Day Love Lab Challenge.
Almost 100 people signed up for this and during the challenge they had a couple of reflective questionnaires to complete.
One of them in particular a lot of members found very challenging to complete, as some of the questions were very confronting.
What was interesting to me (but also unsurprising, as I see this all the time), was how similar some of their answers were.
One of the questions was:
If the voice in your head (that internal narrator that speaks to us all day long) was an actual person, would you want to be friends with them or not?
Most people said absolutely not.
Another question was:
What are three things you genuinely appreciate/love about yourself?
Many people couldn’t think of a single answer to this question.
Others gave answers like they have empathy, treat others well, are kind etc.
Notice how these answers are all about how they treat other people, instead of actually really being about them?
Participants really struggled with setting boundaries, their people-pleasing behaviours, and getting angry about being taken advantage of by others.
Do you feel this too?
You’re not alone – I work with SO many people in the same boat (mostly women).
I work with my clients to improve their self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, release past baggage and limiting beliefs, stop with the people-pleasing and start setting boundaries.
My absolute priority is to get them to a place where they have so much love, respect and trust for themselves that they never let anyone treat them like shit again.
Can you imagine a world where that could be true for you too?
It’s ok if you can’t right now – it may feel impossible, totally out of reach.
But I promise you, it’s possible.
I know, because I got myself there too – and now it’s my mission to help as many other women get there too.
If this is setting off fireworks in your head right now and you want to chat, drop me a message and let’s talk through what’s going on for you right now and I can share some insight.
Also – keep an eye out on my posts over the next few weeks, as I have something mahoosive in the pipeline to help you with all of the above.
You’ve got this, and I’ve got your back.
Catcha on the flip side,