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self esteem

Are you ignoring the small changes that could hurt you?

  Often I work with my coaching clients around situations that don’t serve them, and are making them completely miserable. 😞  They’ve usually been in the situation they’re in for a long period of time.  The situation they’re in never starts how it ends. Take the example of an abusive relationship. If an abusive relationship began how it ends up, you’d never find yourself in that relationship. It starts with subtle things at first – put downs, comments about what…

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Why loving yourself is the key to lasting love

  #reflection I’m so grateful to myself. Grateful I worked so hard at working on building my sense of self worth, self love and self esteem after I let partners who didn’t deserve my love tear it to shreds. 💔  Grateful I kept building my self love when I met Cam because I felt panicky letting his amazing kind of love in. 🫣 I didn’t/couldn’t trust it at first. After a history of challenging relationships where I was let down…

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Codependent no more

  I seem to be having a lot of conversations lately about codependent relationships. Firstly, it’s important to know that even strong, independent people end up in codependent relationships. I know this first hand after being in many codependent relationships myself, even though I consider myself a very independent person. WHERE DOES IT ALL START? As a kid, if you’ve experienced the following things it leaves you way more likely to find yourself in codependent relationships as an adult: 😢…

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Empowerography podcast interview with Brad Walsh

    Recently I was interviewed by Brad Walsh for the Empowerography Podcast.   We talked about some pretty heavy and important shit.    We spoke about mental health, self-care vs self-love and suicide prevention.    It was such an important and inspirational conversation.    You really need to check this episode out.   My goal is to help people to become their truest, most authentic version of themselves and to love themselves so much they won’t let anyone or…

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Laugh or cry ~it’s your choice

    Yesterday my amazing fiancé turned 40 🥳   I’d ordered a special yummy personalised cake for him and went to pick it up on Monday.    It was a stinking hot day ~ 37 degrees as I drove to get it. 🥵    As the cake maker brought it out, she looked utterly devastated and embarrassed saying due to the heat in her kitchen the cake hadn’t set properly.   She said she could fix it but needed…

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Self love vs self care

    Back in early 2011, I found myself back in depression soon after thinking I’d recovered from it.   2010 was a pretty terrible year for me in many ways.   I slipped a disc in my back, was signed off work for 4 months, left a toxic relationship, ended up in depression and ultimately moved to Australia to fulfil a lifelong dream.   I think a lot of us who move to another country end up with the blues at some…

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