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Self love

OMG it’s like you’re speaking to me!!

  I get emails and messages all the time saying “OMG woman, I feel like you’re speaking directly to me”! My fave is one long term client and friend who says “Carly, you’re in my brain again” 😂😂😂 You know why this is? Because I am! With so many of the things I write about, I was once there too. 🥹 Abusive, codependent, toxic relationships. 💔  So broke I couldn’t buy loo roll one week. Being a people pleaser, saying…

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The search for peace

  “I am at a place in my life where peace is a priority. I make deliberate life choices to protect my mental, emotional and spiritual state.” This is a great affirmation you can repeat to yourself if peace has become a goal for you. I spent most of my life always achieving, working towards the next big goal or dream.  I’ve been really blessed to always do work I love, helping people get unstuck from the darkest corners of…

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Coach Carly + Kellie Gilbey drinking champers + talking shit!

  Join Kellie Gilbey and I talking all kinds of cool stuff:   🙌🏻 my journey into (and through) energy work  💞 self love 🫶🏻 recovery from shitty relationships into attracting healthy loving relationships  🫣 what the the last few years has done to our energy fields  🕸️ what are stress webs in our energy ✨ and lots of random funny chats in between!     Comment REPLAY if you’re watching the replay.   Drop a ❤️ in the comments…

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What I can sense in people’s energy during coaching

  Last week someone completely unknown to me contacted me for an urgent coaching session.   While she wasn’t initially there for an energy treatment, a lot of the things she spoke about led me to believe she likely had:   🥺 totally unbalanced chakras 👹 negative entities affecting her 🎯 a totally misaligned assemblage point ❤️‍🩹 a lack of self love    She wasn’t sure what she wanted other than to feel happy which she hadn’t for a long…

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Let’s talk about shame

    I was listening to a podcast about domestic abuse yesterday.    The woman being interviewed works in the field with survivors + training professionals.   She was sharing her experience of her own abusive relationship + the shame she felt being in one while also working in the field, as well as how it changed her work.   It brought up so many parallels for me that I wanted to share.    I never share this stuff from…

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Self love vs. self care + how to heal from burnout

    I had a fun chat with my Bestie Kelly Rennie – Busy Mum Fitness recently talking to her mums about self love, self care + recovery from burnout.   Initially we were also planning to live stream to Instagram but couldn’t figure out how to do so without an echo so we canned it 😂 ~ fast forward to 3 minutes in where it actually starts!   Check out the video on FB here.   For free access…

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