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The search for peace

  “I am at a place in my life where peace is a priority. I make deliberate life choices to protect my mental, emotional and spiritual state.” This is a great affirmation you can repeat to yourself if peace has become a goal for you. I spent most of my life always achieving, working towards the next big goal or dream.  I’ve been really blessed to always do work I love, helping people get unstuck from the darkest corners of…

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7 Steps to reclaim your power

  1. Avoid blaming someone or something else for your negative feelings. Nothing and nobody has the power to control how you think and feel unless you let it.   2. Don’t blame yourself for not being in control. You’re doing the best you can.   3. Be aware of when you’re playing the victim role. Learn the clues that tell you when you’re not being responsible for what you’re being/doing/having/feeling.   4. Get to know your biggest energy –…

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The ups + downs of chronic pain

    This is me, Thursday night just gone, in massive pain and laying on hot water bottles.    I’ve had chronic pain for about the last nine or ten years after I wrote off my motorbike and landed on my head.   Didn’t know for the first seven years that it was a bulging disc in my neck causing issues as my main symptom was neck and shoulder pain.    Started getting a mad headache on Wednesday which by…

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3 tools to kick off your New Year

    At the start of each year I like to take a moment to pause, reflect and set my goals for the year ahead.   There are three tools I want to share with you to get your 2023 kicked off with a bang.     MORE + LESS LIST   The first two tools are two separate lists.   ✅ Write out a list of everything you want more of in 2023.    What do you want to…

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All that you are

  Hey, you.   Yes – you, you beautiful soul.   Just stop with the scrolling, just for a minute.   Right now, in this moment, I want you to think about all that you are, instead of all that you are not.   Stop criticising yourself.   Think about yourself as the magnificent being that you are.   The odds of you even existing are one in 400 trillion (calculated by Dr Ali Binazir from Harvard).   Add to…

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None of it was a waste

Sometimes I feel an almost overwhelming sadness about how much time I’ve wasted in relationships with men who didn’t deserve my love and time.   And then I reflect on all the lessons I’ve learned and realise they all got me to where I am today.   As I fast approach 40, I’m in an amazing place in my life where for maybe the first time ever there is a sense of balance and happiness in every single area of…

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