I was listening to a podcast the other day and the interviewee was talking about the best piece of advice he ever received from a mentor.“You must master your environment before you depart it.”There are times where this isn’t possible or safe to do so – for example, in a situation of domestic violence.But the statement got me thinking about how a lot of us will jump from one similar situation to another, never learning the lessons and so repeating…
I was listening to a Jay Shetty video the other day and he quoted a study where people were given the option of either sitting in a room with their own thoughts for 15 minutes, or giving themselves an electric shock.60% of men and 30% of women gave themselves a shock, rather than spend 15 minutes alone with their own head.Which would you choose?I know so many people who would really struggle to sit alone and do nothing for that…
I work with clients from all kinds of backgrounds.With a lot of people that have had the kind of upbringing most people would prefer to not know was possible.Drug addicts.The homeless.People with a hectic criminal record.Something they all have in common is that no matter how broken they seem to society, they are all survivors.Survivors of abuse of all kinds.Survivors of self-harm and suicide attempts.Survivors of neglect and lives without love.They are also no different from anyone else in many…
“I am what I think others think I am.”Read that a few times and notice the power (and truth) in that statement.We live in a world based on a perception within a perception.We have all these perceptions (illusions and lies) about what our partner, boss, friend, parent etc thinks about us, and we act accordingly.Bit mad isn’t it?It means that most of the time, we aren’t being our true, authentic selves.Do we even know who our authentic self even is?Do…
We all have moments (sometimes days or even weeks) in our lives where we seem to be dealing with people who trigger us in some way through their behaviour. Can you think of a time recently where you had to deal with someone’s challenging behaviour? I sure can! Some days (not very often luckily), I come home from a day of being faced with some seriously challenging behaviour that has triggered a negative feeling in me and honestly, I feel…