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How are you allowing your partner to treat you?

I was chatting to a friend the other day about a guy she’s been seeing for a few months.She was really upset about the way she’s being treated and she’s well aware that she’s allowing it to happen due to her own limiting beliefs and self-worth issues. Not everyone is as aware as my friend about how much she is feeding into the situation.A lot of us in relationships can get stuck into blame and victim mode when things aren’t going well.Why do they…

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Dealing with difficult behaviour

We all have moments (sometimes days or even weeks) in our lives where we seem to be dealing with people who trigger us in some way through their behaviour. Can you think of a time recently where you had to deal with someone’s challenging behaviour? I sure can! Some days (not very often luckily), I come home from a day of being faced with some seriously challenging behaviour that has triggered a negative feeling in me and honestly, I feel…

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