I’ve never really believed in the old saying “two halves make a whole”. It never really made sense to me. Don’t two whole people make a better partnership? If you’re half a person then you’re always looking for someone else to meet your needs instead of you being able to fill your cup without external sources. When I was in my 20’s, I remember the feeling of looking at a whole weekend with no plans.…
What a year 2020 has been. It certainly gave the entire world a shake up. It’s caused many of us to question a lot of things in our lives. Are we in the right job? The right relationship? The right country? Many people have left their careers, whether it was forced or because they didn’t want to delay a career change any further. Many relationships have broken down in the face of lockdown. One thing is certain; it’s been…
I love this quote by Ernest Hemingway; “We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.” Reminds me of a blog I wrote on kintsukuroi, a Japanese technique where they take broken items and piece them back together with gold, the idea being that we are more beautiful for having been broken. The most amazing people I’ve ever met are those who truly know what it is to feel broken, and to learn, heal and…
FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING – JOIN THE LIVE ROUND OF MY ONLINE COURSE BY DONATION ONLY We are living in corona-cray cray times. Every, single, one of us, is experiencing heightened stress and anxiety.Each of us is experiencing different challenges during this time with family members, colleagues, and our own internal struggles. A few weeks ago I had announced that I was about to launch a live round of my online coaching program, From Surviving To Thriving. Then all the shit really hit the…
After I posted my blog “5 signs you’re dating a toxic person” a friend reached out as she was getting ready to leave her relationship. PLEASE NOTE I’m not talking about abusive relationships here. While all abusive relationships are toxic, not all toxic relationships are abusive. Toxic relationships are full of constant drama, manipulation, negativity and an endless push-pull cycle. Abusive relationships are all of the above but are much more dangerous and leaving them is a risk factor –…
Are you in a relationship (or friendship) where there seems to be a lot of drama that leaves you confused?You might be dating a toxic person.IN AN ARGUMENT THEY LOOK TO INFLICT DAMAGE NOT SOLVE PROBLEMSThey do this because they’re trying to protect themselves from a perceived threat to themselves or to the relationship.If you’re showing signs of being independent – such as going out with your friends without them – they won’t show their vulnerability to you.If they’re feeling…