I spent a good chunk of my life between my mid twenties to my late thirties in unhealthy codependent relationships. A codependent relationship is a love addiction where we seek to prove our worth by helping people with broken wings💔 We’re drawn to addicts and under-functioners who’ll depend on us emotionally, financially or in some other way. We also have a tendency to attract very narcissistic and abusive people who have a lot of shit…
I heard a good quote on a podcast I was listening to recently: “Happiness isn’t what you find, it’s what’s left when you get rid of all the things that make you unhappy.” I also love this quote: “Don’t chase the light; the light will drop in automatically when you heal your trauma.” Life is a process of decluttering. Decluttering clothes, limiting beliefs, past baggage, and people who don’t bring joy to your life. But first, life is…
I was listening to a Mathew Hussey podcast the other day (amazing dude who talks all things relationships, check him out if you haven’t already). He was talking about how many of us micro-dose on our ex after a break up. I know I’ve defo been guilty of this in the past. When you break up with someone you still have strong feelings for, or they break up with you, it can be easy to…
The majority of peeps out there are forever looking for a shortcut, a silver bullet or magic pill they can take to achieve their goals if XYZ. Those of us who are truly invested in our personal development and healing know there are no short cuts – you have to do the work. YOU have to do the work. Nobody else can do it for you. I get asked a lot of questions in my…
I’ve never really believed in the old saying “two halves make a whole”. It never really made sense to me. Don’t two whole people make a better partnership? If you’re half a person then you’re always looking for someone else to meet your needs instead of you being able to fill your cup without external sources. When I was in my 20’s, I remember the feeling of looking at a whole weekend with no plans.…