Hey legend Just wanted to reiterate what you’ll be missing out on if you miss this live round of Project Self Worth. Here’s EVERYTHING you get as a member of the Project Self Worth program: This is a 12 week transformational journey that includes: Weekly live group video calls (starting 26 February 2025) 6 Project Self Worth Modules (with several lessons in each) that you can access straight away Live nervous system regulation training in the live…
I was once sat next to an older lady while we both got our nails done. About five minutes after I sat down to get mine done she starts telling me all about her life. An hour later I knew she’d had a heart attack eight years ago and that’s why she was sweating so much, she has a pacemaker and recently she broke her finger saving a puppy and now can’t feel any pain in that hand –…
The majority of peeps out there are forever looking for a shortcut, a silver bullet or magic pill they can take to achieve their goals if XYZ. Those of us who are truly invested in our personal development and healing know there are no short cuts – you have to do the work. YOU have to do the work. Nobody else can do it for you. I get asked a lot of questions in my…
FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING – JOIN THE LIVE ROUND OF MY ONLINE COURSE BY DONATION ONLY We are living in corona-cray cray times. Every, single, one of us, is experiencing heightened stress and anxiety.Each of us is experiencing different challenges during this time with family members, colleagues, and our own internal struggles. A few weeks ago I had announced that I was about to launch a live round of my online coaching program, From Surviving To Thriving. Then all the shit really hit the…