How often do you tell yourself you “should” do something? I really should save money instead of buy that thing. I really should get up earlier to get to the gym. I really should look after myself better. Should doesn’t often eventuate because there’s already a lack of commitment in the statement. How does it feel when you replace “should” with “will” or “must”? It becomes a thing that you’re definitely going to do. That nobody can persuade you…
Are you an “all or nothing” kinda person? I used to be. But the “all or nothingness” leads to extremism and then not really getting to your goals in the most effective way. Life is messy, humans are messy, nobody is perfect. We are all driven by our limiting beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” which kicks in hard when we feel like we are failing. Show up anyway. You can smash out the best week/month ever with…
It’s normal for us to want those we love the most to be supportive of our goals. But sometimes, this isn’t our reality. Recently a member of my online course asked me, “what do I do if my partner isn’t on board with my goals?” It totally depends on what the context is around this. We all have our own personal goals, as well as shared goals with our partner and family. But sometimes…
It doesn’t matter who you are, or how successful you are – we all have shit from our past that can keep us stuck. Old, core wound shit that has led to feelings of being unlovable, unworthy, useless, stupid, not good enough. The core wound shit that has attracted people, situations and relationships into our lives that “prove” that we aren’t good enough over and over – until we do the work to heal our wounds. This stuff happens to all of us on some…
There’s a great analogy in the world of biz and leadership that talks about how to spot whether people are eagles or ducks (most peeps are ducks, I call them sheeples).Ducks…🦆 quack and complain🦆 walk around in their own shit🦆 spend a lot of their time at ground level🦆 ducks are everywhere🦆 they follow the crowd, walking in a straight line looking neither left nor right so they can’t look outside their own limits🦆 they’re easy to control🦆 they do…
When I get that job/house/car/partner/money… I’ll be happy. How often do you do this to yourself? The problem with this is that we never arrive there, because the finish line always moves. We also cheat ourselves out of a dopamine hit when we constantly reach for the next goal, instead of celebrating where we’re at. We then find ourselves wanting to achieve less and less, which is why so many people get stuck and stall in life. Try instead living…