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from surviving to thriving

A beautiful healing moment

I had the most beautiful visit to a new client yesterday. Initially I went to her house for a cuppa and catch up as she had been referred to me for coaching. We had a lovely chat and she decided to sign up for a 3 month coaching package. She was also keen to try an energy healing and I always travel everywhere with my Reiki table in the back so we did an impromptu treatment. At the start of…

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Don’t give up on your dreams (and why Sly Stallone is the BOSS at this)

This week I’ve been listening to Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within on YouTube and Tony shared a story about his friend Sly Stallone. I admit I’m not the biggest Stallone fan and in fact would reluctantly watch movies that he starred in as I found him annoying to watch despite the fact that he’s done some great movies. But this story really changed my mind about him. If the video doesn’t show above, click here to watch it on…

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10 lessons I learned from being stalked

In my early 20’s, for a period of around 5 years, I had a stalker – 2 stalkers, both women, actually. I won’t go into the details because there really is no short version to it – it’s a book-worthy story and one that sounds completely unbelievable when I vocalise it. In fact, those times when I have recounted what happened to someone, I can hear an audience cheer in the background “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!” like I’m on stage at…

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F*ck positive thinking (when you’re depressed and suicidal)

Hey guys I was just reflecting on a conversation I was having with a new client last week. He’s in a pretty bad way, he’s very depressed and he’s attempted suicide a number of times now. To watch the video on YouTube click here. During this initial call we had, he mentioned how many people had talked to him about positive thinking – you know, “just think positively.” I know a lot of people who are depressed, or who are feeling…

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We are more beautiful for having been broken

    I was in a workshop the other day where a clinical psychologist was talking about Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and showed this picture of a broken bowl, repaired with gold or silver lacquer, called Kintsukuroi. The idea is the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. I thought this was such a beautiful idea. In the world of personal development there is a constant quest for “fixing” the broken pieces of ourselves in order to move on…

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Baby steps are better than no steps

So often we put pressure on ourselves to get certain things done or do things in a certain way. This is especially true the more we learn about self development – the more tools in our toolbox, the more things we know that will help move us closer to our goals. But in among all of this, there are just some days where you feel like shite. And when that happens, and you know so many different tools and techniques…

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