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emotional abuse

It’s a happy day today

    Today I paid my deposit on my second block of land, not far from the beach. I’ve been itching to build again since I built my first home by the ocean in 2015/16. But rewind from here to the end of 2018, and I felt like I was in a hole. I’d been in a long term relationship where I’d been taken advantage of financially for a very long time. I found myself with my house in mortgage…

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The quality of your emotions equals the quality of your life

  Do you agree with this statement?   On a daily basis I work with clients who struggle to manage their emotions.   Some are completely disconnected from them and have a hard time knowing how to even state what emotion they are feeling other than simply “good” or “bad”.   Being completely disconnected is often a protection mechanism – they feel they might unlock Pandora’s box and face all the shit they’re avoiding if they start to delve into…

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See what you made me do

  As the world goes through the coronavirus crisis, we are also experiencing another crisis in our homes – family violence.   SBS have their month of May focusing on the family violence crisis in Australia, with a three part documentary series “See What You Made Me Do” based on Jess Hill’s book of the same title.   The series explores one of the most complex and urgent issues of our time – domestic abuse. Presented by investigative journalist Jess…

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Never let the unacceptable become the acceptable

  I saw the above title in a quote this week, and it really triggered a big reflection for me. A reflection on how many times in the past I’ve done exactly that – let the unacceptable become the acceptable. How in the past I’ve allowed myself to be treated with disrespect due to my own shitty boundaries. How I’ve allowed others to emotionally abuse me – some for years. How I gave my energy and power away on the…

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