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dream life

The upward spiral

    Most of us have been through a period in our lives where we have been at rock bottom.   At the time, you may have found yourself thinking “how the hell did I get here?”   If you reflect back, there were probably multiple red flags and warning signs that led you on a downhill spiral to rock bottom.   Once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up through a series of changes that help you…

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The importance of compounding daily habits

  I don’t know about you, but I always have a list of things that in an ideal world, I’d do daily or weekly.   Life gets in the way though, doesn’t it?   Most of us feel like there already aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that we’d like to do.   How are we supposed to add even more stuff into our day?!   Well, think about how much time you spend on your…

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You get out of life what you put in

  We all know people who have a sense of entitlement, thinking the world owes them something.   Nothing worth having in life comes easily.   There is no magic pill or silver bullet.   It’s true that when you’re in a state of flow, things do seem to come easier; but that’s also about how you’ve been able to generate that flow state, which often means putting some effort into knowing what you want out of life, setting goals…

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Have you got the courage to make your dreams a reality?

At least once a week, somebody says to me “you’re sooooo lucky!” Luck has nothing to do with it. Yesterday I was chatting to a friend about how we have a litter of puppies due this week and she said “you’re soooooo lucky!” Luck has nothing to do with it – it takes a lot of hard work, years worth of research about the breed, plenty of money and trips to the vet to make it happen – and it…

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How I ended up in New Idea magazine

When I first learned about the Law of Attraction in 2007, it was through reading a book by Sandy Forster called How To Be Wildly Wealthy FAST. Back then I was living in London, working full time as a Probation Officer and trapped in a toxic relationship. I’d dreamed of moving to Australia for the previous 10 years, but felt really stuck at that time. Sandy’s book talks about the Law of Attraction and tools you can use to implement…

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What’s your ideal day?

Happy Monday lovelies!! This morning as I was unpacking my office in my new dream home by the ocean, I found my wish list and ideal day – and smiled HARD! Watch this video to find out why 🙂 As always, have an amazing day! Are you ready to stop struggling through life and create your own amazing day? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my other members who are also on…

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