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dream life

The Importance Of Self Care

  Hey everybody, Carly here again, I’ve just gotten back from a gorgeous walk along my local beach, it’s a gorgeous day here a very nice 24 degrees here in Perth, beautiful blue skies not a cloud in the sky it’s absolutely gorgeous.   I was reflecting while I was down there on how important it is for me to do self care, some kind of self care every day. I start my day at 5am most mornings and hit…

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How to manifest the life of your dreams

    This afternoon I took some time out and headed to the beach five minutes from my house. This is nothing out of the ordinary for my life these days. But as I lay there on a white sandy beach, with barely another soul in sight, looking out onto the clear turquoise ocean glittering under the sunshine with not a cloud in the sky, I had a crystal clear moment of realisation and reflection. The sun was beaming down…

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