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curious questions

Today I won’t stress over things I can’t control

  How much of your day do you spend stressing about things you have little to zero control over?   How much is that actually helping you in a positive way?   Ask yourself: does stressing + worrying about anything actually help me through it?   Or does it just run your body + mind down? rumina Can you find ways to surrender to the process instead?    Try out some of these things to calm your nervous system if…

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When emotions are high, intelligence is low

  Have you ever said or done something in the heat of the moment when you were emotionally charged, that you wish you could have taken back?   The old saying of “sleep on it, because it will look different in the morning” comes into play here.   When we’re scared, angry or upset, a part of our brain kicks in that’s way more primal than the logical, rational side of our brain.   Our amygdala is where our emotional…

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One of the best questions you can ever ask yourself

I was chatting to a Reiki client the other day about some relationship and work issues he was having.I asked him a question that I ask a lot of my clients, and ask myself a lot, which I believe is actually one of the best questions you could ever ask yourself.I recorded this video where I spoke about it, check it out on YouTube here: “If I was truly honouring myself, what would I not be putting up with? If I…

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5 quick and easy things to do to snap yourself out of a funk

It doesn’t matter who you are or how positive and optimistic you are, we all have those times when we get in a bit of a funk. Here are some of my go-to strategies when I’m feeling a bit off that you might like to try out next time you need to snap yourself out of a hole.   EFT Emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping, is an amazing tool for getting yourself out of a sh*tty headspace. You…

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