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Self love vs. self care + how to heal from burnout

    I had a fun chat with my Bestie Kelly Rennie – Busy Mum Fitness recently talking to her mums about self love, self care + recovery from burnout.   Initially we were also planning to live stream to Instagram but couldn’t figure out how to do so without an echo so we canned it 😂 ~ fast forward to 3 minutes in where it actually starts!   Check out the video on FB here.   For free access…

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Pain is part of life; suffering is optional

    We all go through painful situations in life – it’s an inevitable part of the journey of living.   But suffering is a human condition + one that we do to ourselves.    We obsessively think about things that happened in our past, that we did or were done to us. 🤯   We overthink all the things we believe are going wrong in our lives.   By doing so, we forget how magnificent our life really is.…

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I love you, I am listening

  Recently I’ve been feeling very burnt out.   I do plenty of self care and self love stuff, I really listen to my body and do things every day to fill my own cup.   I’m not sure yet what the message is that my body is trying to give me, but I’m listening.   Today, as I write this, I’ve taken the day off to nourish myself.   I’ve done some EFT (tapping) and yoga for burnout which…

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Love yourself so much that when you get treated like sh1t you recognise it

    How would your life be if you truly loved, honoured and respected yourself?   If you honoured your needs each day?   If you lived in integrity with your values in each moment?   I find this is a really useful – and often – confronting question to ask my clients, one they get pretty immediate answers to.   I work with a lot of very natural “helper” types – I’m one of those too.   There can…

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Are you enabling those you love?

  I heard on a podcast the other day, “enabling comes in many forms”.   How true that is.   enabler /ɪˈneɪblə,ɛˈneɪblə/   A person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behaviour in another.   I’ve spent many years in the past enabling others to continue to treat me in a certain way, or continue a certain pattern of behaviour without setting boundaries.   I’ve enabled people to continue an addiction.   I’ve enabled people to continue living in…

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14 habits to calm your nervous system

  ** Image care of my super chill Squishy 🥰 Recently I wrote a blog called “you drown not by falling in the river, but by staying submerged in it.” This blog was all about how to process feelings if you’re feeling overwhelmed. But there are things that we can do on a daily or weekly basis to calm our nervous system, to stop us getting to that place of overwhelm. When stress levels are high, using positive daily habits…

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