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Big news coming!!

  Hey legends!   I’ve got some really exciting news I’ve been keeping wrapped up for what feels like YEARS now that I really can’t keep to myself any longer or I’ll actually explode!! 🤩 For almost a year now  I’ve been working my big butt off behind the scenes to create something special for you ladies out there, a mahoosive game changer for your life.  Actually, I feel like this has been brewing inside my brain for years and…

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How to survive leaving unhealthy relationship ☠️

  Most of us in life experience at least one relationship that becomes unhealthy for us.  I’ve had my share of long term relationships that were abusive and codependent where I ended up as a shell of who I was. 😶‍🌫️ Leaving is hard because you’ve lost all confidence in who you are as a person. Abusive people show traits of narcissism and usually have attachment issues from childhood which tend to create a toxic playground and codependency/trauma bonding in…

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Let’s talk about shame

    I was listening to a podcast about domestic abuse yesterday.    The woman being interviewed works in the field with survivors + training professionals.   She was sharing her experience of her own abusive relationship + the shame she felt being in one while also working in the field, as well as how it changed her work.   It brought up so many parallels for me that I wanted to share.    I never share this stuff from…

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Empowerography podcast interview with Brad Walsh

    Recently I was interviewed by Brad Walsh for the Empowerography Podcast.   We talked about some pretty heavy and important shit.    We spoke about mental health, self-care vs self-love and suicide prevention.    It was such an important and inspirational conversation.    You really need to check this episode out.   My goal is to help people to become their truest, most authentic version of themselves and to love themselves so much they won’t let anyone or…

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How lack of self love shows up in your energy field

    I’ve do a lot of energy treatments every week, seeing anywhere between 1-15 people, most of them distant healings, and you know what the common theme is that I find?   A lack of self-love. 💔   When I do a treatment, I check the scores of how each chakra is functioning before I do the treatment so I can give my client an understanding of where they were at before the treatment and how that would have…

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How I survived leaving toxic relationships ☠️

    Most of us in life experience at least one relationship that becomes toxic for us.    I’ve had my share of long term relationships that were abusive and codependent where I ended up as a shell of who I was. 😶‍🌫️   Leaving is hard because you’ve lost all confidence in who you are as a person.   Toxic people show traits of narcissism and borderline personality disorder among other things; they have attachment issues from childhood which…

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