How did 2017 work out for you?

Hey gorgeous

Well it’s only one more sleep until New Year’s Eve.

How was your Christmas? Mine was nice and chilled at home with my little family. I usually eat way too much over the Chrissy period but I had toothache so kept it minimal…. a trip to the dentist after Christmas resulted in me having two wisdom teeth pulled, ouch! Can’t say it was the most pleasant experience hearing my teeth crack and pull away from the bone but apparently it’ll be worth it 🙂

My thoughts go out to many people at this time of year. A lot of us have lost someone special and are missing them, not everyone has a family to celebrate with or may be separated in different countries, there are so many people living on the streets, and many are going through tough times. Christmas can be a time of year that a lot of people dread, and if this resonates with you, I’m sending you love and hugs.

I also want to say a big thank you to you all, for your support this year. I love connecting with new friends and clients and this happens more and more as the years in business go on. This year has been a really good one for all kinds of new and wonderful connections, so thank you to you all 🙂

So how did your 2017 pan out? We all tend to start the new year full of hope and optimism, planning our goals and dreams for the year. Was it all it was cracked up to be? I’ve coached and done energy treatments on a lot of clients who have faced a number of challenges this year – relationship breakdowns, mental health issues, overcoming addictions, learning to love themselves, parenting issues and facing illnesses. We might start of the year with good intentions, but life has a habit of chucking obstacles in our path and if we are vulnerable and lacking in healthy coping tools, this can easily derail us.

This was one of many reasons that I created my online coaching program, From Surviving To Thriving, and it’s been great to see people having awesome results this year by implementing the tools I teach in this program. I also ran a 7 day releasing the resistance program earlier this year which was so fun, and people had amazing results. You can check it out here on Udemy.

I’m offering a 2 coaching session special to help you to wrap up your 2017 in the right way, and to kick off your 2018 with a bang. During these sessions you’ll release what you need to let go of from this year, reflect on the lessons and kick start your new year with goals and actions in each priority area of your life. Contact me if you’d like to know more or to book in.

I’m also still offering a 50% on distant healing, which is usually $100 – ending the year with an energy clean out is a great way to enter into next year. During this session you can choose to meditate in at a time that suits you. You’ll receive a full energy report via email after the session which goes into a fair bit of detail about what I found in your energy that may have been blocking you or holding you back.

If you’d really like to get your 2018 cranking, there’s no better way to achieve amazing results than 1:1 coaching! I support my clients to release what’s holding them back (including limiting beliefs) and achieve more of the life they dream of. I absolutely love seeing my clients shine, it rocks my world!

However you choose to spend your new year’s eve, I hope you have an incredible evening, whether you spend it alone or with loved ones. Me – I’ll be trying to stay up to midnight for the first time in about 3 years!

Catcha on the flip side,


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