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Coach Carly

The Four Agreements

Lately I have really been getting into listening to audio books and podcasts while I’m driving or walking. I love to read but these days it can be a challenge to fit it in to a busy day so audio books are a great way to “read” a book. One of my favourites at the moment is The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz. The Four Agreements are Toltec Wisdom and if we all were to live by these agreements, life…

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Are you a magnet for drama and want to know why?

Do you feel like you are a total magnet for some serious drama schizzle going on in your life? Do you ever sit back and wonder why me? Why does bad sh*t always happen to ME? Our primal brain is hard wired to pay more attention to the drama that goes on around us rather than the potential for more good things to happen. Our RAS (reticular activating system) is a network of pathways in the brain that help us to…

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Muffin Top Madness

I have just been reading a great article by the amazing Dr Michael Colgan on how to get rid of that muffin top that seems to be so hard to shift. I thought it would be great to share this article – the products Dr Colgan discusses before form part of the 30 day nutritional cleansing and replenishing program that I coach clients through. Contact me if you would like to know more about being coached through a cleanse by…

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How to manifest the life of your dreams

    This afternoon I took some time out and headed to the beach five minutes from my house. This is nothing out of the ordinary for my life these days. But as I lay there on a white sandy beach, with barely another soul in sight, looking out onto the clear turquoise ocean glittering under the sunshine with not a cloud in the sky, I had a crystal clear moment of realisation and reflection. The sun was beaming down…

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Overcoming challenges – when the proverbial hits the fan

As I sit here, I am still recovering from a motorbike accident I had last weekend. I had this accident on the bike in the picture – my brand new Honda CBR250R which I loved. I have been riding motocross bikes for the last couple of years and have had a few lessons on the road. I decided to get my practice up in the dirt to get comfortable on a bike, and recently decided to buy a road bike,…

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The Wrath of Valentines Day

So, another year, another V Day done and dusted. As always it’s a huge tradition of over-consumerism in an effort to tell your special one, or someone that you hope to be your special one, or even several people, that you think they are cute/lovely/hot/the one. My Facebook newsfeed was pummelled with endless pictures of flowers and gifts and soppy sayings. Which is pretty cute, but also pretty frustrating it seems for a lot of people who are keen to…

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