It’s true. You are! I’m reading a book of the same title at the moment by Jen Sincero and it’s a great read. Jen writes “while there are countless ways that we rip ourselves off, there’s one way in particular that is, without a doubt, the most rampant and the most devastating of them all: we invest everything we’ve got in believing that we’re not good enough.” “It’s just as easy to believe we’re awesome as it is to believe…
Are you in conflict with your values? Knowing what I now know about my values, it’s easy to see why certain situations in my life were stressful or painful for me. My most important value is integrity, and I’ve felt really tested when I’ve seen a lack of integrity around me, or when I’ve been out of integrity myself. When we’re in conflict with our most important values it can really do our head in – we mull over the…
MOST PEOPLE WILL CHOOSE UNHAPPINESS OVER THAN UNCERTAINTY Wow. Bold statement by Tim Ferris isn’t it? Looking at the world around us and the people within it, it’s also a very accurate one. I like to think of myself as someone who would choose uncertainty over unhappiness and in many ways I do, but there have also been sticky areas in my life where I’ve remained willingly unhappy rather than take the risks of change. Does that ring true for…
Do you have dreams of something you want to be, do or have? Have you ever tried to action those dreams, but let the critics around you put a stop to it? Time and time again, I speak with people about the wishes and dreams they have for their future, all the possibilities they see in front of them. What I also see consistently is a lack of support from those closest to them to support their wishes and dreams.…
Kurt Vonnegut said “hate, in the long run, is about as nourishing as cyanide.”He’s so right.Are you holding on to repressed anger, bitterness, resentment or hate?Who are you directing that towards?Do you know what those kind of emotions do you your physiology, physical body and mental health when you refuse to let them go?Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. The only person we are really hurting is ourselves. Toxic emotions can create serious…
When you’re facing negative situations in life, how do you handle it? Do you spend your time and energy complaining about the way things are? Do you blame other people? Do you put it in the basket of “nothing will ever work out for me”? Or do you use it as an indication that you’re not where you want to be, and do something about it? If you’re stuck in negative emotions right now about a particular situation, it’s because…