We’ve all got people in our lives who suck the life out of us. Those kind of push/pull relationships where they’ll push you away, call you a crappy friend/partner, act like you don’t even exist or talk smack about you to others.Then they pull you back in with some drama or another, making you feel needed in some way.Exhausting, isn’t it? True energy vampires.Ask yourself what it is you’d need to do to change the situation.Do you need to have better…
I shared a pic this week on FB that said “I’ve found the key to happiness; stay away from assholes.”A friend then posted this comment:“Carly you have an inner light and power to transform people! Humans are all at different levels of development. There are stages of consciousness. And within the stages there are lines of development – moral, emotional, intellectual etc. A doctor may drive a car like a selfish fool. A loving nurse may ignore her own mother.…
I was chatting to a Reiki client the other day about some relationship and work issues he was having.I asked him a question that I ask a lot of my clients, and ask myself a lot, which I believe is actually one of the best questions you could ever ask yourself.I recorded this video where I spoke about it, check it out on YouTube here: “If I was truly honouring myself, what would I not be putting up with? If I…
Does your overthinking brain do your head in?You might be feeling pretty good, then a thought pops into your head and before you know it you’ve fixated on it so much you feel like shite.This style of thinking tends to get you no closer to a solution to whatever problem you’re focusing on. There’s a point at the start of the thought where you can stop it before it gets into full swing.Imagine parking your car at the top of a…
“I am at a place in my life where peace is a priority. I make deliberate life choices to protect my mental, emotional and spiritual state.”This is a great affirmation you can repeat to yourself if peace has become a goal for you.I spent most of my life always achieving, working towards the next big goal or dream. I’ve been really blessed to always do work I love, helping people get unstuck from the darkest corners of their minds.But what I…
Recently I had someone ask me how they could better deal with people in their life who were being negative and critical. Been there, got the t shirt!Negative peeps are like crabs. If you go crab collecting with a bucket at the beach, once it’s full the crab at the top should be able to climb out ~ except it can’t, because all the other f@ckers below it keep dragging it down and ripping its legs off. Don’t let them drag…