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Coach Carly

Let’s not just survive, let’s thrive! Join my online program From Surviving To Thriving – by donation

FROM SURVIVING TO THRIVING – JOIN THE LIVE ROUND OF MY ONLINE COURSE BY DONATION ONLY We are living in corona-cray cray times. Every, single, one of us, is experiencing heightened stress and anxiety.Each of us ​​​​​​​​is experiencing different challenges during this time with family members, colleagues, and our own internal struggles. A few weeks ago I had announced that I was about to launch a live round of my online coaching program, From Surviving To Thriving. Then all the shit really hit the…

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How Is Not Confronting Your Dark Side Serving You?

It doesn’t matter who you are, or how successful you are – we all have shit from our past that can keep us stuck. Old, core wound shit that has led to feelings of being unlovable, unworthy, useless, stupid, not good enough. The core wound shit that has attracted people, situations and relationships into our lives that “prove” that we aren’t good enough over and over – until we do the work to heal our wounds. This stuff happens to all of us on some…

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If I had listened to me, it wouldn’t have happened

I was listening to a podcast last week and the person being interviewed was sharing their story of overcoming a challenge. She said “if I had listened to me, it wouldn’t have happened.” Which situations can you say that about in your life? Where you ignored your gut feeling and ignored your intuition, only to be kicked in the arse by it later? I know I can reflect on many such times. If I had listened to me, I wouldn’t…

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We are so much better at causing pain, than feeling pain

“Sit with the pain until it passes, and you will be calmer for the next one” ~ Naval RavikantThe world is full of very wounded people.Some wounded people choose to work on their pain to heal it, but many more people choose not to.When you have a low tolerance for distress, it makes it harder to sit with emotional pain, which needs to be done to be able to heal it.Instead, many choose a path of avoiding emotional pain through…

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You’re not a mess. You’re a feeling person in a messy world.

  Last week I had a few conversations where people spoke a lot about their anxiety and depression.   What I’ve noticed is that sometimes we pathologise feelings that are a normal response to an abnormal situation.   “You are not a mess. You are a feeling person in a messy world.” ~Glennon Doyle Melton   We throw around terms like anxiety and depression very loosely in this modern world, often when it’s not actually clinical depression or anxiety.  …

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How can I overcome feelings of unworthiness around money?

Last week I sent out an email to my peeps asking to get to know them better by them sharing with me what they’re struggling with, and questions they’d like to ask me. One of the questions I got was; “How can I overcome feelings of unworthiness when it comes to money? I am going into business and don’t want to sabotage it before it’s even off the ground! Thank you for your work- it’s because of your support (and…

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