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Coach Carly

Sometimes we don’t need advice. Sometimes we just need to know we’re not the only one.

  Have you ever gone through a challenging time in life and felt completely alone?   Like you were the only one in the world going through something like this?   Like nobody would understand?   You don’t talk to anyone about what you’re going through as you’re worried they’ll judge you.   When we’re going through crisis and chaos in our lives, we can feel isolated and alone.   But when we come out the other side and share…

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When emotions are high, intelligence is low

  Have you ever said or done something in the heat of the moment when you were emotionally charged, that you wish you could have taken back?   The old saying of “sleep on it, because it will look different in the morning” comes into play here.   When we’re scared, angry or upset, a part of our brain kicks in that’s way more primal than the logical, rational side of our brain.   Our amygdala is where our emotional…

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I want coaching but I don’t have any money

  Every now and again I get a message that goes something like this:   “I want coaching/Reiki/to learn Reiki/to change my life, but I don’t have any money.”   This immediately tells me something really important about that person.   They aren’t truly committed to making the changes they say they want in their life.   I know straight away this person is hoping to get something for nothing, and I also know I could give them a tonne…

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Do you feel stuck in a negative environment?

I caught up with a friend last week who was sharing how stuck he feels in life at the moment. One of the things that is stopping him from moving forward is his negative home environment. If you’re feeling stuck and are living or working in a negative environment, and it’s stopping you from knowing how to move forward, watch my video where I share tips on how to get unstuck. TOP TIPS – Change your inner world to change…

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What did you fail at today?

  I can’t remember which podcast I heard it on or who was talking about it, but I loved it when I heard it.   I’ve always loved the question “what are you grateful for today?” – it’s a great question to ask yourself and your loved ones daily.   This was being talked about on a podcast I was listening to, and the guy being interviewed said he’d also ask his kids each night at dinner “what did you…

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Relationships are about the trash cans

  If you haven’t ever heard of a guy called Mathew Hussey talking about relationships, you need to find him on YouTube now.   He’s amazeballs, love his work.   One of the best things I’ve ever heard him talk about is how relationships are about the trash cans.   He talks about being taken to Disneyland by his folks as a 13 year old, and how excited he was.   He couldn’t articulate why at the time, but he…

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